Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Does anyone know anything about work law?

I am a post doctoral research fellow at a university. All the work is short term contracts. In recent years the law changed so that if you had four years continual service then the uni had to give you a permanent contract. This entitled you to things like redundancy pay. I have been at the uni for ten years. However, I have been given a months break between my last two contracts which were both two years long. Thus, I have only ever been on temporary contracts and the uni is not obliged to pay redundany.

My two breaks were in 2002 and again in 2004. However, on both occasions I was expected to work and did so. In effect i worked for free for two months. On the first occasion in 2002, I had told my boss i was going to take two weeks off (as i had had no holiday in two years) and i think he held the contract back until I was back because he didn't want to pay me for no work.

Do I have a case to taKE TO TRIBUNAL? i KNOW OF THREE OTHER LONG STANDING RESEARCH FELLOWS WHO HAVE NOT HAD these breaks inserted. One is about to get twenty odd grand as he is made redundant.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I don't seem to be able to upload pictures anymore?????

This is most upsetting as i want to put a picture of kilroy all covered in shit on the blog. And i want to put more pictures of kinderscout on. And my mate the horse. anyone having similar problems?

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My Irritable Bowels

Fucking martyr to my arsehole i am. shitting water for breakfast. Took three weeks to get an appointment at the quacks. Then I had blood tests which came bak a month later as fine. I also was supposed to get a colonoscopy within 4 weeks. It actually took noine weeks to happen. The result was shredded nerves. Full on PTSD which I had a 2 year bout of ten years ago. Horrible. No sleep. Eventually went into counselling. I am lucky cos i have one available at work. Then I got the camera up the arse action. That was horrible. If it happens to you take the sedative cos it is mighty hurty up in your gibleyts. Everything looked normal. Sitll waiting on biopsy results. Fingers crossed.

I told my boss what was happening and he reacted by coming to see me at 12-30 and 4 0clock everyday to demand what work had been done. Then, at easter, when I took a day off, he phoined me at home to call me a selfish bastard.

Grade A cunt behaviour. Anyone who has been in PTS will be able to imagine by boiling rage that came so close to exploding.

IT has been a hard year. I really hope i haven't got cancer. That would be bad. If i have, then it probably hasn't spread yet which is a bonus.

Friday is a good day for walking Kinder Scout.